It’s time to put our thinking caps on!
Yes, the beauty business has changed!
By now you have probably read numerous blogs and tips on how to navigate your beauty business through these challenging times! And indeed, they are all valid and if you can, try them, as now is the time! Yet you can easily become overwhelmed with the amount of information out there.
Whether you are still trading, or like those of us in Melbourne, have had the doors abruptly shut at a moment’s notice. The key here is to ensure you identify opportunities were you can, and really understand how you can leverage and nurture these, so that they become part of your everyday business, now and post COVID-19.
So, where do you start?
Look within your business
Your team is the biggest asset to your business. You have invested so much time and training into one another, and each of us has our own unique way of doing things. This is a great opportunity to keep team morale up and brainstorm a few ideas together on how you can reach out to your clients and help them during this time.
Remember, your clients are in need, and even with these disruptions, communication and presence is even more important than you know. Think about giving your staff the opportunity to get creative and run a few communication activities. Not only will this keep them busy and instil motivation, it helps maintain a valuable presence for your business and opens opportunity to create sales from new avenues.
Harnessing online opportunities
We have learnt online is the main contender here, and we have also learnt how easily and quickly what we say, can get lost among a sea of voices! So, how do we harness the digital world effectively?
Again, look within your business. Your existing client database is extremely important here, as is attracting new client contacts online! Maintaining regular contact is imperative, so look to use what you have and connect with your contacts directly with the power of email marketing! Offer your clients value and insights, invite them to your online product reviews or product retail how-to’s for example.
If you haven’t already… how about using your team to jump online and run a closed-group Q&A session with your beloved clients? You can create easy how-to beauty regimes for in between visits, or during lockdown periods with ingredients at home!
Expand your online retail offerings:
Now is the time to showcase new retail products!
It is all about supporting your customers too! Help them maintain their beauty regime and they will love you even more! Think of taking your themed beauty menu to new heights and get creative with packs to cure hydration issues, manage mani & pedi needs and much more! Align this with a few tips from your team, create a few fun how to videos and really tie in an online experience for your salon and your brand.
Also look at innovative easy to use products that allow you to sell online and incorporate into your service post restrictions. This way you can minimise over capitalising on products purely for online, streamline the need to bulk buy product, minimise waste and more! You know we are thinking of our Voesh and Avry range, we can’t help it! 😉
Anyway, much love and good luck this time round.
As you know, we are always full of great ideas, so please check out our retail picks if you’re interested!