Supporting Australian business is what we at Barneys Salon Supplies strive to do every day. Whether this is through our customer service, sourcing the most cost-effective product solutions for your salon or taking it to the next level, and designing our own.
As a supplier, we offer both imported and Australian Made products, and as we grow, we are developing our own branded products made right here in Australia. Why? We feel it’s important to support local business, and more importantly, know what’s in our products.
Recently, Barneys launched a new wax range which is Australian Made and owned. We have always supplied our wax from ingredients manufactured in Australia yet are proud to launch this new range with the help of local manufacturers, scientists and packaging suppliers. This allows us to have control over what is included in the ingredients and how the wax is formulated. Where we can, we have sourced vegan-based products and ensure our wax is cruelty-free. This is an example of the control we can have over what we offer you, and in turn, you can offer your clients.
Further to our wax range, we developed pre & post wax ancillaries so you can offer a service with products from the same family, all born from quality and local ingredients. Our products have been formulated with your client’s lifestyle, sensitivity and needs in mind. Even our Aloe After Wax treatment is ideal for our sun-kissed clients and helps boost your add-on sales!
Everything we do here at Barneys has your salon needs in mind, and that of your client. So, whilst you save on wax products with us, you know your supporting local business and offering an effective end-to-end wax service with confidence.
Think local, think Australian and help keep each other in business. And if you want to learn more about the Barneys gorgeous range of local waxes, please head to our website and search Barneys among our top brands, or simply click here: https://barneyssalonsupplies.com.au/collections/wax