There is no doubt the current pandemic has caused significant change amongst the beauty industry. Very quickly, we have needed to reconsider our options, our services and even our future. We are an industry that is very hands-on, up close, and personal. Therefore, ensuring a business plan that can incorporate our personal services and translate to include digital options, will only help keep your beauty business agile during these uncertain times.
Let’s take a look at a few great ideas that have helped our clients during COVID to keep their cash flow steady.
- Staying Connected with your Customers Online

If business life before COVID didn’t motivate you to harness the power of digital, then by now, you would have considered this much more as part of your everyday business activities. By now, you are certainly no stranger to mediums such as email marketing and social media.
Your clients will always need beauty treatments and general products to maintain general upkeep between salon visits. Try and think of lockdown no different to in between visits. Your client will certainly value your tips and how-to ideas as they spend more time on social media, and on the computer
- Incorporate Take Home Regimes In To Your Service
With COVID now part of our daily norm, we need to look at considering our add-on products as part of the overall service package.
Being in the beauty game, we certainly know a thing or two about upselling when it comes to our services. From tanning prep to aftercare, lash and brow maintenance and skin exfoliation in between waxing services. We offer these after treatments, yet do we really harness this business opportunity?
Remember, a take home regime is not going to rule out the need for a professional service. It should be considered as an integral part of your customer care service. There are a number of ways you can get your client onboard with a consistent and holistic approach to their favourite treatment.
Example #1: Create a reward card. Every time your client purchases a product from your home care product selection, they can work their way up to a complimentary or bonus offer.
Example #2: Offer product discounts exclusive to the treatment and suggested home care regime.
Example #3: Consider free size upgrades of your suggested take home products across a timeframe, especially for those regular clients.
Then if another lockdown occurs, you can remind your clients of these great home care retail products in your email and social communications. This should prompt a few sales via your online store and ensure your clients are cared for in between!
- Online Retail

If you are selling retail beauty products in salon, ensure they are available online. Having an online store and consistent online presence actually benefits your business in multiple ways! Not only will this help to create easy sales with direct traffic from your social media and email communications, but it also actually helps your digital footprint! This means Google helps you get found easier when new clients come searching for you, your products or treatment offerings during regular trading times. This is a good thing!
Plus, we all know word of mouth is very important in our industry. If our clients are happy with our services, they tend to boast about it. By having your products online, this makes it easier for your clients to refer to your products and brand, by sharing what they found. Barneys have a great range of retail ideas to help you get started with online retail.
- Taking Treatments Online!

Your services do not necessarily need to be confined to the treatment room! With Tik Tok and Instagram Stories, IGTV, Reels and YouTube, you can engage your clients and even attract new clients, with fun and easy do-it-yourself pampering fun.
Whilst you may not be able to offer the full hands-on service, you may be able to offer video consultations or online maintenance events. You could get really creative and organise treatment bundle packs your clients can use whilst on the virtual event with you! What a great way to get everyone together and have a little fun. Plus, it helps maximise those online sales!
- Cleanliness is Our Ticket to Staying Open
A clean and hygienic salon is imperative to the bigger picture. Not only are we responsible for creating a safe service, but we are also playing our part in keeping our doors open! Make sure you follow a thorough cleansing regime to ensure you remove stubborn residues for your disinfectant to truly take hold! If you haven’t read our informative hygiene blogs then you must. Written by our hygiene specialists from one of the biggest salon hygiene manufacturers.